By Drew Night gathers and, sadly, it heralds the ending of objectively the best television show to every...
By 8YJ We here now. Six episodes down. So guys, writer, showrunners, that’s enough fucking around guys, enough characters teleporting across...
BY DAKARAI DORSETT I confess I like self-important sententious stuff. It’s my thing. So an entire series built around technophobia...
by ANDREW and KARI Humans of earth the day is upon us. This is the day we’ve been waiting for....
BY 10YS It’s been a journey this season guys, leaks, incredible Dragon CGI, Dick-On, DUMB Plans, fan service, mansplaining, Danny’s...
People need to go easy on Lawrence It’s been a week since the Insecure season finale and a lot of think-pieces have...
BY DAKARAI “—the problem with a book is that you never know what it’s planning to do to you until...
by DAKARAI DORSETT Game of Thrones is not just a show, it’s a cultural event. It’s the most streamed/pirated show...