Look sometimes we run out of topics and we have to just reach into our own stupidity, listen to lil boat, pick a topic, and run with it. That’s how the game goes sometimes. We debated for awhile whether we should discuss the merits of the entire idea that “The Bahamas is over”. Have we as a people, politically, finically and culturally just exhausted everything we have and is the downward spiral we’re on just inevitably leading us right to this election? Fuck if we know man, but at least we’re talking about it.
The chief thing we ended up discussing was…Do the Bahamian people deserve everything that’s happened? Often people act above it, but does the media we consume and how we interact with each other on a daily basis all inevitably lead to the society we’ve created and the politicians that we allow to lead us.
When discussing this we of course address the question of, “How informed is our electorate?” But maybe the real question we should be asking is does the electorate, the Bahamian people even want to be informed or do we want to be entertained?
We can’t talk about the Bahamian people without addressing who informs them, and that means family, friends, politicians, and most importantly the media. In The Bahamas right now everyone seems to be listening to the Rodney Moncur show so we debate him, his radio show and where he would fit best in American media.
What does your vote cost? Don’t mind the podcast no one should actually sell their vote, but if a political party could promise a Migos concert without us having to own a Yacht to get there, well then now you have our attention PLP, FNM, DNA.
Lastly, we make Cardo predict when the election is going to take place and he told us the smart money is on May post any major event. No, we don’t know if this podcast made sense either, but like we said, it be like that sometime.
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