By 8YJ
In the latest 8YJ Podcast Kari, The False god Cardo and Andrew discuss everything that drives the attention economy, our likes, our shares, our comments, our follows and of course our lurking. We dig down into why people post the things they do, and how what they post may reveal their true personalities…or lack thereof. We know conversations like these may often seem condescending and judgemental, but it’s not meant that way because we’re all apart of the same system, built around garnering people’s attention.
The Podcast
Is it distraction or just escapism, because we’re just stuck in a cycle. #WestWorld
The Video
The YouTube video we referenced at the start of this podcast “The Attention Economy – How They Addict Us” inspired this episodes and probably is going to lead to a series of articles. Will Schoder’s page is kind of awesome and you should definitely check out all the content over there.
In fact Andrew reference’s Amy Schumer joke stealing controversy and parallel thinking on this episode….and of course Will has a video about it.
The Article
As promised here’s the link to the Attention Economy article on Wired, that inspired the YouTube video that inspired the podcast.
More Mimics
We spoke about how people on social media soon start to mimic what they’ve seen on other accounts but it’s not just the individual consumers. Sometimes the apps themselves turn to mimicking, sometimes out of competition and sometimes cause they may be running out of ideas to get attention themselves.

The Books and The Psychology

As always in the discussion we didn’t get to everything, but most apps are designed to get your attention and trigger, predictable responses from you based on years of psychology and observance of human behavior. I mean we all have to check that red notification only it could be super important this time.
As always and actually kind of predictably after all of this. Listen. Like. Share. Subscribe. Follow us on SoundCloud and on iTunes, and if we didn’t bore you to death leave a review.
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