10:30am – Once again, I’m late and I don’t even know why this time. The idea of not having to go to work until 11:15 a.m. got the best of me. I got up at nine, played two games of 2K with My Player, and before I knew it, I was late. – RS
10:45am – Coming over the bridge in a right handed car always presents a problem. But this morning it was tougher than usual. The lady at the tool booth refused to stretch and forced me to come outside to give her the money. At this point, my only comfort was knowing I was about to snag some free coffee. Shout out to John. – RS
11:05 – One day you’re rubbing shoulders with Will Manso…the next day it’s Ammo. Why is he even here? There’s no JCN cameraman and his media pass doesn’t have his name on it. Did Wendell Jones sign off on this? It’s possible he came all this way to give a room full of disinterested people ridiculous takes on the god awful Knicks and beef up his credibility in his social media circle. Who let this happen? – RD
11:15- The media room is a shell of what it was on Tuesday. The majority of the American media left to mourn the loss of beloved Marlins player Jose Fernandez. – RS
11:25 – You know who should be here? Eric Reid and Mike Fiorentino. They shouldn’t even have to file work, just walk around commentating. – RD
11:45- I had to hold the mic this time…pause. Holding that through a Spoelstra interview the day after you worked shoulders in the gym… Let’s just say child birth might be easier – RS
11:58am – The teams splits up into post practice shooting drills. Waiters, James Johnson, and Derrick Williams are working together and I feel like Spo and Riles become instantly mortified at the possibilities. Haslem makes his way over there to sprinkle in some leadership. Williams works with the bigs. – RD
12:00- I was tempted to ask Jason Jackson to say “Kaboom!!” Don’t judge me. – RS
12:02pm – I try to get someone…anyone to give a hot take on athletes and social activism. The Heat were prepared for this. Spo and three players adress the issue but gave pretty much a coordinated response. The NBA is too good at this to take the bait. They won’t let 10YS be great. – RD
12:02pm – Easily the best part of the interview period was watching Randy interview Derrick Williams. There’s a very specific demographic of Bahamian basketball fans that all love Williams, Wilson Chandler and Iman Shumpert. Nobody knows why. I’ve never seen Randy this happy in my life. Pause. – RD
12:05pm -Briante Webber is going to play himself into becoming a fan favourite. He’s the most excited player in every drill and just made 20 of 32 threes to end practice. He’s been this guy since he got off the plane. Job security can make a -Briante Webber of us all. – RD
12:10pm – Josh McBob says he completely understands fans frustration and refers to himself as “the big white guy who’s always injured.” I see what you’re doing McBob. That’s a strategy straight from the B.Rabbit school of battle rap – using self deprecating humour to bring down their forcefield of hate, then you attack with skill and produce results. Good plan, but the execution of that second part might be a problem. – RD
12:12pm – I’m no good at gauging NBA players’ jumpshots when they’re shooting alone. It’s like someone trying to guage if I’m a good writer by my ability to spell four letter words. Winslow knocks down four threes in a row and I’m sold. Some of these four letter words are hard anyway. – RD
12:30pm- Thinking to myself, “Kids camp is tomorrow. They have to bring food for the kids right?..Right?” – RS
12:31pm – Pat Riley better not let Ammo in here tomorrow. – RD