Just when you thought it was safe to get back into football, the 10thYearSeniors crew has found a way to shake things up a bit.
In what can only be described as the “next, next level” of our partnership with Coors Light, 10ys has thrown down the Fantasy Football gauntlet to all of you.
This fall, three of our best (or who we consider to be our best) will square off against the best this town has to offer.
Ok, full disclosure, it was the first three guys to say “Ok, fine I’ll do it.” We gave this the same amount of thought we give everything else. We heard that a couple of cases of crisp, cool, refreshing Coors Light were up for grabs and showed up.
Here’s the breakdown of this year’s league:
3 Select 10YS members
- Ricardo “False-god” Wells – The Commissioner
- Taige “Tall Takes” Adderley – The Research Expert
- Renaldo “The Crowned King of Misery” Dorsett – He heard there was something to be won.
5 Local Football Fanatics
- Sancheska Dorsett – The (self titled) Queen of Football Picks
- Eddie Carter – Co-host of the Morning Boil on Island FM and President of the 242 RaiderNation
- Inigo “Naughty” Zenicazelaya – Host of the Mischief and Mayhem in the AM on KISS 96 and President of the 242 CowboyNation
- Mary Jane – Radio Personality and Football Extraordinaire
- Elvis “Stony” Percentie – Founder of Shiver Premium Ice Cream
8 Select Coors Light ‘Super Fans’
By now, I think you get the point, this could be you.
Hit us up to become a part of history…or at least a part of the next #FridaysWithAndrew article.
All you have to do is like or follow 10YS and Coors Light Bahamas on any of our social media platforms, comment on the post and give us a reason why you should be apart of the league.
In true 10YS form, this is completely subjective – just be clever, funny, “get the show” and you’re in.
Winners will be announced prior to our official draft party on September 3rd.
It’s completely free to sign up and please note, this is totally a beer league. The drinks are on us!
Grand Prize – $500 cash and two cases of Coors Light
Weekly Prizes:
- Highest point total – one case of Coors Light
- Best Quarterback performance – one six pack
- Best Defensive performance – one six pack
- Best skilled position (RB, WR, TE) performance – one six pack
Who’s ready for (fantasy) football?