In the past ten years, we’ve seen the rise of Bahamian creatives, at least in a digital space.
Between me stanning over TAP and Shaniqua the puppet (that I wish she would bring back) to Schin Nguyen who was just genuinely in these streets dismantling governments as a day job. We as a people are finally headed in a direction where content isn’t being solely created for the “don’t be no fool stay in school” genre.
I decided to have a sit down with one of the newer trailblazers in Bahamian Entertainment today, Cindy Mullings better known as Cindy The Creative.
Here’s how that conversation went down.
How did you get into comedy?
I feel as though comedy has always been apart of me. I come from a very comedic family, especially on my father’s side. So I’ve always considered myself funny but never a comedian. In March of this year, I decided to create a video as a funny character and post it to Facebook, not realizing that would be the start of me going viral as a social media comedian.
What are your biggest challenges as a creative in the Bahamas?
There are a few challenges I believe. It was almost immediately after I started creating videos, that I was in a competition with other comedians and creatives that none of us signed up for. I feel like that notion in itself creates tension and separation between us. I did my own thing for quite some time, but I have always been open to collaboration. Another challenge was not allowing Bahamians to pigeonhole me as “Bad’Ann Boujee”, although she was my main character, I play multiple characters. I didn’t think want for that character to be all people assumed I was capable of. The last challenge is to support. Many would talk about being supportive of the creative community, but when I entered this realm of entertainment, it did feel as though others were in impenetrable cliques and there was no way I’d break through the force as a new kid on the block. But those were just obstacles that came with the territory.
How important is collaboration to you?
I’m an advocate for doing things on my own and depending on my own talent. However, collaboration creates bonds, friendships, and working relationships that you simply can’t acquire on your own. What I’ve learned from collaborating with others is that you’re able to gain such insight about the industry, different techniques on executing a project, what challenges you may have and sharing how to overcome the obstacles based on their experiences. It’s a bit of a support system from other like-minded people who have done what you’re doing.
Do people assume you’re less funny because you’re a woman?
Good question. Honestly, I have never even thought about it. I try to focus on what I’m doing and how my content can impact others. Me being a “female” in media and entertainment is only a thing to those that make it a thing. But I definitely don’t think I’m less funny than my male counterparts.
What Bahamian Creative would you most like to work with?
That’s difficult because who I’ve wanted to work with I have already but if there’s anyone I would have to say Tyrone Burrows from Collage Entertainment. He’s the only person I haven’t collaborated with as yet that I would really love to work on a project with.
Season One of Cindy Central airs here this fall.