Before we get started we have to congratulate our very own Andrew “Boyd Road” Bain for being nominated for a Bahamas Icon award. Wait. What? HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!
There are only two options. Andrew shows up in chancletas (flip-flops), a plaid shirt, a trucker hat and whiskey breath while going down in a blaze of glory as he shouts Batman Da-Na-Na-Na or we recreate the infamous Death Row Records photo shoot after Andrew wins. Only Options. John is making attack ads as we speak. Stay woke and Trust the culture.

If you want to watch the world burn vote for Andrew here…
Do this for us and we can promise you more offensive articles on politics, gals, highschools and Bahamian nostalgia. Do your job people.
Anyway on to the show….
This week we tackled “Millennials” and how they’re perceived in pop-culture. Is the criticism they get warranted or is it just a bunch of old people who don’t know how to use Snapchat. (You have to stick your tongue out for the dog filters).
Truthfully, every generation just gets this treatment because as age creeps up on people they become envious of the young and criticize them at nausea. You know cause it makes them feel good about their choices in life, or something like that.

This is what people typically think of when they say the word ‘millennial’ but what they really mean is “young person I don’t like”.
Of course, Millennials had a response to this. The internet/social media it’s the millennials home field you’re not going to win a game on their home field.

So that being said we had to try at the very least debunk some of the misconceptions we saw people making when describing millennials and had this video as a pretty useful reference point.
Maybe it’s not a Millennial Problem maybe everyone is full of shit
Don’t be distracted by the cover photo. That’s how they get you. Damn kids and their internets.
If you disagree wholeheartedly to anything we said, please take offense and leave a comment we’ll be sure to read it and respond.
As always thanks for listening now go rate us on iTunes damnit it’s just as important as voting for Andrew trust me.
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