By Drew Theres a common narrative that we all just kinda agreed to. We hear it wherever we go. It’s...
By Drew When did we get so divided? Was it Samson and Delilah? Was it what Prince Charles did to...
By Drew Pick up any magazine, read any blog post and there are a group of people that think they...
By Drew Mother nature is a cruel mistress. Can you imagine if a woman decided that the next man to...
By Drew A little known fact about 10thYearSeniors: We really don’t like people. I’ve never considered myself a “creative”...
By Drew When I’m having myself a good poop there are many things that go through my head….mostly questions...
By Drew No first verse. Just bars. Stop. Likin. Man. …do I need to continue or y’all get it? Y’all...
By Drew I’ve always been into comics and cartoons. There is an entire generation of us that was raised on...
By Drew I’m a comic/anime guy. Always have been. As I’ve mentioned before, me and a few of the members...
By Drew There was a time on this island when all we had was MSN Messenger, Skype, and the...
By Drew My Birthday is December 28th…..yes, it has always sucked. Keep in mind my mother loves white Jesus...
By Drew Wanna hear a joke? Ok. How do you get a catholic nun pregnant? Have (consensual) sex...